Clara gives you a tour of the School
A greeting for new students from the Dean, Måns Söderbom

Programme director Rebecka Arman gives her best advice on how to prepare for the studies and the autumn semester starting September 2.

Summer greeting
from Rebecka Arman
Sustainability day – Challenges
September 11
Sustainability Day: Challenges 13 september 2023

På Handelshögskolan vrider och vänder vi på framtidens utmaningar och funderar kring lösningar på de globala hållbarhetsmålen i forskning, utbildning och tillsammans med partners från näringsliv, offentliga organisationer och tillsammans med våra internationella samarbetspartners. I dag, kanske mer än någonsin tidigare, krävs kunskap och förståelse för sociala, ekologiska och ekonomiska hållbarhetsfrågor, både i näringslivet och i den offentliga sektorn. Dessa framtidsfrågor får allt större plats i vår forskning och utbildning. Vi ser det därför som centralt att du vid din examen har tillräckliga kunskaper för att kunna hantera frågor kring etik, socialt ansvar och miljö i ditt yrkesliv.

Sustainability Day: Challenges
Din första hållbarhetsdag på programmet är en dag med fokus på globala utmaningar för en hållbar samhällsutveckling. Dagen börjar i samtal mellan forskare från olika discipliner där den centrala frågan är; Vad kommer att krävas för att gå från ord till handling och åstadkomma den hållbara omställning som krävs för att nå de högt ställda globala hållbarhetsmål som världens länder enades om redan 2015? Går det att tackla fattigdom, klimat, naturresursfrågor och frågor om jämlikhet/jämställdhet samt ekonomisk utveckling samtidigt? Under dagen kommer du att få lyssna på ett antal spännande föreläsare som ger dig inblick i och förståelse för dessa problem och utmaningar och varför de är relevanta för dig i din kommande yrkesroll.

Sustainability Day: Challenges är upplagd som en konferens där du skräddarsyr din eftermiddag och väljer vad du vill fördjupa dig i. Global
ojämlikhet, antibiotikaresistens och smutsig läkemedelsproduktion, AI och anti-korruption är exempel på teman på dagen. Du medverkar på ett gemensamt pass och väljer därefter fritt mellan fem olika pass.

Challenges – första dagen av tre
Sustainability Day: Challenges är den första av tre heldagar för alla programstudenter. Nästkommande dagar äger rum under ditt andra och tredje studieår och kommer att fokusera på Responsibility respektive Solutions.

Praktisk information
Sustainablility Day: Challenges arrangeras den 13 september och ingår i alla program. Anmälan till de olika passen öppnar ett par dagar innan och du kommer att få mer information via skolans lärplattform Canvas i början av september. Du kommer då att få en inbjudan till Canvas-aktiviteten på din studentmail, denna behöver du acceptera.

At the School of Business, Economics and Law we twist and turn the challenges of the future and discuss solutions to the global sustainability goals in research, education and together with our partner companies, public organizations and international partners. Today, perhaps more than ever before, knowledge and understanding of social, ecological and economic sustainability issues are required, both in private and public sector. These questions about the future are taking a larger place in our research and in our education. Therefore, we find it central that by the time you graduate, we want you to have sufficient knowledge and tools to be able to handle issues on ethics, social responsibility and the environment in your professional life.

Sustainability Day: Challenges
Your first Sustainability Day in the program is a day focusing on global challenges for sustainable societal development. The day begins with a lecture and conversation between researchers from different disciplines where the central question is; What will it take to move from words to action and create the sustainable transition required to reach the global sustainability goals that the world's countries agreed on back in 2015? Is it possible to tackle poverty, climate change, natural resource issues, issues of equality and economic development all at the same time? During the day, you will get to listen to several lecturers who will give you an insight and understanding of these challenges and why they are relevant to you in your future professional role.

Customize your day!
Sustainability Day: Challenges is organized as a conference where you participate in a joint session before lunch and then choose freely between different sessions in the afternoon. Global inequality, antibiotic resistance and dirty pharmaceutical production, AI and anti-corruption are examples of themes of the day.

Challenges – first day of three
Sustainability Day: Challenges is the first of three days for all programme students. The following days take place during your second and third year of study and will focus on Responsibility and Solutions respectively.

Practical information
Sustainablility Day: Challenges is arranged on September 11 and is included in all programs. Registration for the various tracks in the afternoon opens a couple of days before and you will receive more information through the school’s platform Canvas at the beginning of September. You will then receive an invitation to a Canvas activity on your student email, which you need to accept.



Career Service is aimed at all students at the School. Through activities such as company presentations, skills training, CV review and career coaching, Career Service helps you to be prepared for professional life. Personal and professional development workshops are also integrated into several of our degree programs.

Career Service

The Student Portal provides important and valuable information about your studies. It also includes a checklist for new students.

The Student Portal

Admitted 11 April 2024you do not need to reply to your admission offer. However we would appreciate if you could confirm your decision. If you wish to accept your admission's offer or if you do not intend to enroll please inform us by replying "yes" or "no" to

Admitted 11 July 2024; reply to your admission's offer before 19 July 2024, otherwise you will forfeit your seat. 

Admitted 25 July 2024; you do not need to reply to your admission offer.

Your admission notification will be accessible online in a printable PDF-file when you are logged on to your account at or

Once your student account is activated, you will be able to register for your courses through Ladok 

Registration period for the Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics: 

-National students (Swedish residents): August 19-21 

-International students extended registration: August 19-28

Administration staff will be available at Viktoriagatan 13 from 9am-11am for assistance with your registration on the following dates:

  • 19 August

  • 21 August

  • 27 August

Please note that you will lose your seat in the programme if you do not sign up for your courses during the registration period. 

Introduction days

The Bachelor´s Programme in Business and Economics will have Introduction Days from Wednesday, August 28, to Friday, August 30 at the School of Business, Economics and Law.

First introduction day on 28 of August will start at 10:00 and end at 16:00. 

During the introduction days, you will meet your fellow students, the programme coordinator and the administrative staff of the programme. You will also follow the lectures of the first course, EKFN11 Introduction to Studies in Business and Economics.

Participation in the introduction days is voluntary, as the official start of the autumn semester is September 2. However, we encourage you to participate to get the best possible start to your university studies. 

More information about the content of the introduction days, such as schedule, venue etc will be communicated to you via email closer to the start of the study period.

Reply to your admission's offer


Information regarding your start at the School

With its main subjects – economics and law – the School has a unique range. The School is a faculty within the University of Gothenburg and consists of four departments:

  • Business administration

  • Economics

  • Economy and Society

  • Law

The autumn semester of 2024 officially starts on 2 September, below you find more details about registration and introduction days.

Your studies


Last day to

reply to your offer

Need to get in touch with your Student Counselor?

Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics
Gabriella Jaxdal

A greeting for new students from the Dean, Måns Söderbom
Clara gives you a tour of the School

Programme director Rebecka Arman gives her best advice on how to prepare for the studies and the autumn semester starting September 2.

Summer greeting
from Rebecka Arman

Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics
Gabriella Jaxdal

Need to get in touch with your Student Counselor?

Sustainability day – Challenges
September 11

At the School of Business, Economics and Law we twist and turn the challenges of the future and discuss solutions to the global sustainability goals in research, education and together with our partner companies, public organizations and international partners. Today, perhaps more than ever before, knowledge and understanding of social, ecological and economic sustainability issues are required, both in private and public sector. These questions about the future are taking a larger place in our research and in our education. Therefore, we find it central that by the time you graduate, we want you to have sufficient knowledge and tools to be able to handle issues on ethics, social responsibility and the environment in your professional life.

Sustainability Day: Challenges
Your first Sustainability Day in the program is a day focusing on global challenges for sustainable societal development. The day begins with a lecture and conversation between researchers from different disciplines where the central question is; What will it take to move from words to action and create the sustainable transition required to reach the global sustainability goals that the world's countries agreed on back in 2015? Is it possible to tackle poverty, climate change, natural resource issues, issues of equality and economic development all at the same time? During the day, you will get to listen to several lecturers who will give you an insight and understanding of these challenges and why they are relevant to you in your future professional role.

Customize your day!
Sustainability Day: Challenges is organized as a conference where you participate in a joint session before lunch and then choose freely between different sessions in the afternoon. Global inequality, antibiotic resistance and dirty pharmaceutical production, AI and anti-corruption are examples of themes of the day.

Challenges – first day of three
Sustainability Day: Challenges is the first of three days for all programme students. The following days take place during your second and third year of study and will focus on Responsibility and Solutions respectively.

Practical information
Sustainablility Day: Challenges is arranged on September 11 and is included in all programs. Registration for the various tracks in the afternoon opens a couple of days before and you will receive more information through the school’s platform Canvas at the beginning of September. You will then receive an invitation to a Canvas activity on your student email, which you need to accept.



Career Service is aimed at all students at the School. Through activities such as company presentations, skills training, CV review and career coaching, Career Service helps you to be prepared for professional life. Personal and professional development workshops are also integrated into several of our degree programs.

Career Service

The Student Portal provides important and valuable information about your studies. It also includes a checklist for new students.


Last day to

reply to your offer

The Student Portal

Once your student account is activated, you will be able to register for your courses through Ladok 

Registration period for the Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics: 

-National students (Swedish residents): August 19-21 

-International students extended registration: August 19-28

Administration staff will be available at Viktoriagatan 13 from 9am-11am for assistance with your registration on the following dates:

  • 19 August

  • 21 August

  • 27 August

Please note that you will lose your seat in the programme if you do not sign up for your courses during the registration period. 

Introduction days

The Bachelor´s Programme in Business and Economics will have Introduction Days from Wednesday, August 28, to Friday, August 30 at the School of Business, Economics and Law.

First introduction day on 28 of August will start at 10:00 and end at 16:00. 

During the introduction days, you will meet your fellow students, the programme coordinator and the administrative staff of the programme. You will also follow the lectures of the first course, EKFN11 Introduction to Studies in Business and Economics.

Participation in the introduction days is voluntary, as the official start of the autumn semester is September 2. However, we encourage you to participate to get the best possible start to your university studies. 

More information about the content of the introduction days, such as schedule, venue etc will be communicated to you via email closer to the start of the study period

Admitted 11 April 2024you do not need to reply to your admission offer. However we would appreciate if you could confirm your decision. If you wish to accept your admission's offer or if you do not intend to enroll please inform us by replying "yes" or "no" to

Admitted 11 July 2024; reply to your admission's offer before 19 July 2024, otherwise you will forfeit your seat. 

Admitted 25 July 2024; you do not need to reply to your admission offer.

Your admission notification will be accessible online in a printable PDF-file when you are logged on to your account at or


Reply to your admission's offer

Information regarding your start at the School

With its main subjects – economics and law – the School has a unique range. The School is a faculty within the University of Gothenburg and consists of four departments:

  • Business administration

  • Economics

  • Economy and Society

  • Law

The autumn semester of 2024 officially starts on 2 September, below you find more details about registration and introduction days.

Your studies