Anders Wiman Eriksson, recipient of the 2023 Sten-Olof Palm Scholarship, had the chance to complete an internship with the Swedish American Chambers of Commerce in Washington D.C. Six months into this unique experience, we spoke to him to find out what life in the US is like.
What are your duties at SACC-USA?
- As a Business Development and Member Services Trainee, I am the contact person and responsible for serving SACC-USA's membership of regional chambers and companies. For those Swedish companies looking to establish or expand their presence in the US market, the role involves organising trade delegations, sometimes together with the regional chambers. The role also involves assisting the Chamber's CEO, Karin Hammar, in the day-to-day work, which includes managing communications and documentation for the SACC-USA Board and Executive Committee. Other parts of the job involve planning, organising and implementing events, usually three per year, Transatlantic Day in Stockholm, the Executive Forum in Washington D.C. and the annual SACC Summit in the U.S. The role is also responsible for planning, implementing and following up on some procurement in connection with events.
What do you do at SACC-USA and how many people work there?
- SACC-USA is the umbrella organisation for 19 regional chambers in the United States. Together, the chambers form the most widespread Swedish business and trade network in the US with over 1200 members. The purpose of the chambers is to promote trade between Sweden and the United States. SACC-USA as an umbrella organisation supports the regional chambers, organises trade delegations and events as well as the network's annual meetings. SACC-USA also helps Swedish companies to establish and expand their operations in the US market. SACC-USA is staffed by CEO Karin Hammar, Ted Stubner and six interns. We share an office with the regional chamber, SACC-DC with a CEO and three interns and the university-oriented project SIREUS with a manager and three interns.
Where do you live and how was it to find accommodation?
- I live in an area called Adams Morgan which is north of the city centre. The area has many restaurants and bars and the location between Rock Creek Park and the city centre means that you are close to both the city and nature. An American couple own the house and rent out four rooms. I found them through a WhatsApp group for international interns in Washington DC. It can be difficult to find accommodation at a reasonable rent, but it always works out. Most people at the Chamber of Commerce pay around $900-$1,300 for a room in shared housing.
What differences have you noticed between an American and Swedish workplace?
- The U.S. is definitely more hierarchical and you are wise to call people by their titles. Americans are very entrepreneurial and love to do business with everyone and everything. At the same time, they value relationship building and small talk, which they are very good at.
Tips for others who want to try an internship in the US?
- Through the scholarship and the internship, you get a unique international experience and a broad network within the Swedish-American business community. The workplace and environment will help you develop your language and communication skills, business and sales, planning, administration and organisation. You are given a lot of freedom with responsibility, and you can participate in the development of the organisation, which is very instructive. Living and working in the US is a privilege and I am very grateful for the scholarship and the opportunity that the Gothenburg Merchants' Association and the School of Business, Economics and Law have given me. If you have the opportunity to apply, my advice is not to hesitate, for me it has been a choice I will never regret.

Anders Wiman Eriksson, recipient of the 2023 Sten-Olof Palm Scholarship, had the chance to complete an internship with the Swedish American Chambers of Commerce in Washington D.C. Six months into this unique experience, we spoke to him to find out what life in the US is like.
What are your duties at SACC-USA?
- As a Business Development and Member Services Trainee, I am the contact person and responsible for serving SACC-USA's membership of regional chambers and companies. For those Swedish companies looking to establish or expand their presence in the US market, the role involves organising trade delegations, sometimes together with the regional chambers. The role also involves assisting the Chamber's CEO, Karin Hammar, in the day-to-day work, which includes managing communications and documentation for the SACC-USA Board and Executive Committee. Other parts of the job involve planning, organising and implementing events, usually three per year, Transatlantic Day in Stockholm, the Executive Forum in Washington D.C. and the annual SACC Summit in the U.S. The role is also responsible for planning, implementing and following up on some procurement in connection with events.
What do you do at SACC-USA and how many people work there?
- SACC-USA is the umbrella organisation for 19 regional chambers in the United States. Together, the chambers form the most widespread Swedish business and trade network in the US with over 1200 members. The purpose of the chambers is to promote trade between Sweden and the United States. SACC-USA as an umbrella organisation supports the regional chambers, organises trade delegations and events as well as the network's annual meetings. SACC-USA also helps Swedish companies to establish and expand their operations in the US market. SACC-USA is staffed by CEO Karin Hammar, Ted Stubner and six interns. We share an office with the regional chamber, SACC-DC with a CEO and three interns and the university-oriented project SIREUS with a manager and three interns.
Where do you live and how was it to find accommodation?
- I live in an area called Adams Morgan which is north of the city centre. The area has many restaurants and bars and the location between Rock Creek Park and the city centre means that you are close to both the city and nature. An American couple own the house and rent out four rooms. I found them through a WhatsApp group for international interns in Washington DC. It can be difficult to find accommodation at a reasonable rent, but it always works out. Most people at the Chamber of Commerce pay around $900-$1,300 for a room in shared housing.
What differences have you noticed between an American and Swedish workplace?
- The U.S. is definitely more hierarchical and you are wise to call people by their titles. Americans are very entrepreneurial and love to do business with everyone and everything. At the same time, they value relationship building and small talk, which they are very good at.
Tips for others who want to try an internship in the US?
- Through the scholarship and the internship, you get a unique international experience and a broad network within the Swedish-American business community. The workplace and environment will help you develop your language and communication skills, business and sales, planning, administration and organisation. You are given a lot of freedom with responsibility, and you can participate in the development of the organisation, which is very instructive. Living and working in the US is a privilege and I am very grateful for the scholarship and the opportunity that the Gothenburg Merchants' Association and the School of Business, Economics and Law have given me. If you have the opportunity to apply, my advice is not to hesitate, for me it has been a choice I will never regret.